Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Microwave Mug Muffins

Yesterday I was suffering from "Emptyfridge-itis".  It's been a busy week around here, and I was running low on groceries and pantry items.  Trying to come up with a healthful, gluten free breakfast, when you are running low on ingredients, was a huge challenge.

So I decided to do some quick research.  I googled microwave gluten free muffins, and came up with a winner!  I found it at Spark Recipes, and although it was the first time I tried a recipe from that site, I was encouraged.  The recipe I found used ingredients that I actually had on hand.  It was also a super quick recipe, I mean it took me about 3 minutes to make, start to finish. 

This recipe is for a Flax Muffin in a Mug.  Now, let me tell you, these are not pretty muffins.  After all, there is no browning involved.  These are dense muffins, in fact, I was nearly full after eating half of it.  It satisfied my husband, in fact, he was amazed that we had something bread-like in only a minute or so of cooking.

This is the picture from the original poster.  See, not pretty, but VERY filling and tasty.
This is my take on the recipe, follow the above link for the original.


  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • 1 egg, slightly beaten
  • 1/8 C. ground flaxmeal
  • 1/8 C gluten free flour (I used a combo of almond, teff and gluten free oats)
  • 1/2 - 1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice (you need to use it for more things than pumpkin pie!)
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp. baking powder
  • 2 tsp sugar, stevia crystals, honey, agave nectar or Splenda


2 TBS or your favorite mix ins.  I used coconut and almonds.  Try blueberries, other berries, banana, craisins, raisins, dates, granola, chocolate chips... you name it!


Spray a mug with your favorite non stick spray.  I used a vegetable spray.  Microwave the coconut oil for a few seconds to melt it.  Swirl it around the mug.  In a small bowl, add the rest of the ingredients and mix.  Pour the melted coconut oil into the bowl and mix it in as well.  Add the batter to the mug, and microwave for one minute.  The original recipe calls for mixing it all in the mug, but I didn't want mine to stick, so I did it in a separate bowl.  You can try it either way.

Be careful, try 45 seconds and if it isn't done, try adding 5 seconds at a time until it is done. Every microwave is different, so you may have to "play" with the recipe. It took mine 80 seconds.

When muffin is done, turn it out onto a plate, slice in half and top with your favorite jam, or low fat cream cheese.  Or, you can just eat it straight from the mug.  It's yours, have it the way you like it!  Mine tasted like a bran muffin because of the teff flour.  It was so filling. 

I hope you try this!

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